The remaining exhibits are incomplete, but there is a row of fossiliferous material for you to inspect – between the Coober Pedy mound and the driveway. The host rock is mainly Silurian and Ordovician limestone from this area and from the Milton Quarry on the Niagara Escarpment west of Toronto, and the principal fossil types include coral, crinoid stems, and various types of shellfish.
There are two “Periods” of limestone deposition found in the Temiskaming Rift Valley. The “Lower” Silurian is the most recent, (about 435 MYO) and was positioned after the “Upper” Ordovician Period ended. The Silurian has 5 formations that are distinct, and are identified in the region. From youngest to oldest, they are named Thornloe (dolostone), Earlton (Limestone and dolostone), Evantual (dolostone), Cabot Head (shale), and Manitoulin (dolostone).
Signage sponsored by Wayne’s Corner Garage (Cobalt, Ontario)
Silurian limestone from the Breault quarry north of New Liskeard. (unidentified formation)
Silurian limestone from the Breault quarry north of New Liskeard.
(unidentified formation)
Ordovician Limestone from the Bucke-Miller quarry on the Haileybury West Road. This material also comprises most of the pedestals around the park. This material was originally deposited under a shallow inland sea, and is about 450 MYO. A marine carbonate rock type resulted, covering most of Ontario, from Niagara to Hudson Bay. The temiskaming rift Valley was subsequently created and the local limestone sunk into the earth. This protected the 4 distinctive “Upper” Ordovician limestone formations (Guiges sandstone, Bucke shale, Farr dolostone and Dawson Point shale) from obliteration by the erosive forces of the continental glacier that melted in this region about 10,000 years ago. The Lake Temiskaming Outlier provides physical proof that most of Ontario and Quebec was once under an ocean, and that great heights of rock were eroded over time.
Signage sponsored by Laframboise Drilling Inc. (Earlton, Ontario).
Internet Report…seek: L.Timiskaming outlier: evaluation – MNDM
This is fossiliferous limestone from the Milton quarry on the Niagara escarpment near Milton. The largest producing quarry in Canada, the pit is 16 meter deep and exposes coarse-crystalline, grey-buff, thick to massive bedded and fossiliferous dolostone of the “Middle” Silurian Amabel formation (425MYO). About 15 meter below the quarry floor, the Cabot Head formation of the “Lower” Silurian…present in Temiskaming…has been identified.
RockWalk’s fossilized Amabel Formation exhibit may feature fossils such as large crinoids, brachiopods, bryozoans, gastropods, and corals.
Internet Video…seek: Dufferin Aggregates Milton Quarry Overview 2017
This coal was found at Goat Island terminal directly across from Little Current on Manitoulin Island. This former shipping terminal had rail access to Sudbury, whereby coal was shipped into Sudbury and iron ore pellets (from the iron recovery operation) were shipped back out.